Timmy0x pfp



150 Following

Timmy0x pfp
Is crypto companies giving themselves the same name as their protocol a misalignment?
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Timmy0x pfp
So how do I get some $DEGEN?!
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Timmy0x pfp
GN @yup @yup can I get paid for this?
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Timmy0x pfp
The true potential of frames will be unlocked when they’re faster, more flexible, and better UX.
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Timmy0x pfp
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Timmy0x pfp
My screensaver. ❤️
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Timmy0x pfp
Wanted to run an idea past the brilliant crypto-natives of Farcaster. What do you think of a feature in the Teen Crypto Academy app where teens are incentivized to gain followers on Warpcast and there is a leaderboard of who has the most followers ("connections")? 🧵
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Timmy0x pfp
Wanted to run an idea past the brilliant crypto-natives of Farcaster. What do you think of a feature in the Teen Crypto Academy app where teens are incentivized to gain followers on Warpcast and there is a leaderboard of who has the most followers ("connections")? 🧵
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Timmy0x pfp
Thanks @submerged for being my 100th follower on here! The flippening is real!
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Timmy0x pfp
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Timmy0x pfp
Let me introduce myself on here. My name is Timmy - I'm 14 years old and have been in crypto since 2021. Since I was 8 years old, my passion has been finance. This fused with my passion for technology and when I discovered crypto, I passionately discovered all the good in the space. 1/3 🧵
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Timmy0x pfp
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Timmy0x pfp
Although I don't see any spam on here, what is preventing spam from getting on the platform? Its cool that its not here right now but I don't see how no spam is sustainable if there is no answer to why there isn't any spam other than this being a new platform.
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Timmy0x pfp
I need to be a top 100 caster!
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Timmy0x pfp
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Timmy0x pfp
Cross-posting is critical.
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Timmy0x pfp
GN from @yup! I’m testing out cross-posting.
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Timmy0x pfp
Wow, I'm not used to opening up the comments and seeing no spam.
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Timmy0x pfp
"Every battle scar makes the system that much more resilient in the long run. If crypto is truly 'early' in its adoption, much better to get this out of the way now before we take off." @0xmert, care to explain your logic here? I don't get how outages contribute Solana's resilience, but maybe I'm missing something.
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Timmy0x pfp
GM, am I late?
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