ticker pfp



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ticker pfp
sent the remaining eth and $ticker to the party truly sorry it ended up this way
129 replies
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45 reactions

ticker pfp
transferred ownership of lp to the party
64 replies
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ticker pfp
locked forever
55 replies
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ticker pfp
refund or lock this close to lock as we gotta do something
132 replies
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20 reactions

ticker pfp
i am incredibly sorry but sorry doesnt make up for losses
28 replies
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ticker pfp
lock lp seems to be the preference
71 replies
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ticker pfp
please share your opinion on the best course of action 825 eth still sitting in the lp refund? if not, what else? also in talks with @zachxbt and providing all I got
137 replies
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ticker pfp
but i dont and im ready to do whatever to make it right
67 replies
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ticker pfp
will dox everything
132 replies
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51 reactions

ticker pfp
will dox putting together all info why would i rug i could take the eth and run instead all of it is in LP
29 replies
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ticker pfp
considering all options on how we can fix this one is using party dao funds remaining (98 ETH) for a buyback the eth in deployer is still intact anyone willing to go after, will share all known details about the person im incredibly sorry
82 replies
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ticker pfp
just saw this the airdrop deployer just did a massive mistake will share all information available publicly so sorry to have chosen the wrong person to task this
290 replies
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ticker pfp
time to print some green candles
60 replies
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ticker pfp
every reply guy either got or about to get around 10775 $ticker @ticker is a reply guy tervo is based reply guys are based and the ticker is $ticker
272 replies
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85 reactions

ticker pfp
35 replies
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58 reactions

ticker pfp
48 replies
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67 reactions

ticker pfp
claims via party app are available pool started airdrops are coming in thank you for bearing with us we might resume ticking the ticker is $ticker
224 replies
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ticker pfp
claims and lp will begin shortly the ticker is $ticker
90 replies
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ticker pfp
a quick update hearing many comments/dms about claims, if you hold the nft, if you sent more then once etc all these will be handled, case by case if necessary will spare some supply/eth and we will resolve any issues other than that we are moving forward making sure everything is perfect $ticker
81 replies
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116 reactions

ticker pfp
$ticker is moving into the launch phase a little patience while we move forward with it the ticker is $ticker
95 replies
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200 reactions