Bảo Trân 🎩🎭🎭 pfp
Bảo Trân 🎩🎭🎭
I particularly agree with Russell's words: "If you get angry at an opinion that disagrees with you, it indicates that you have subconsciously sensed that there is no good reason for your opinion. If someone insists that two and two make five, you feel pity, not anger." https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/476d580fe827c9054d9cbfc5de567e50767b3319120f061ac152ebd8281d29b5.jpg
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Thiếu Phu Nhân 🎭 pfp
Thiếu Phu Nhân 🎭
You're the friend I always want to share all the good things in life with. gét gô!
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