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Yes, it is super hard to withdraw. You have first to wrap your vtru. For doing this, there are something called circuit breaker constraints. These constraints allow only wrap above 99 vtru, but at the same time you have an personal upper limit according the vtru value and also a global upper limit. These limits reset every 24h, or better, at a certain number of blocks. So if people wrap before you and the global constraint is met, you will not be able to wrap. After wrapping, u can trade it for usdc pol, and then bridge to polygon network. I could NEVER wrap my vtru through the official method. I used to go to the explorer, than write contract, than wrap my vtru in an old and not used contract that had a lesser value to usdc pol than present wvtru, but it was a way of being able to withdraw something... But they also changed the explorer and I cannot do that anymore. Look the image. 1 reply
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