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![HOJJAT pfp](https://imagedelivery.net/BXluQx4ige9GuW0Ia56BHw/c9cfff94-c569-4f8b-549e-4bf5b6cf3a00/original)
I want to share with you a real story that I recently read
The Story of James Harrison: The Man with the Golden Arm
James Harrison, an ordinary Australian man, became a hero through his incredible act of kindness. At age 14, James underwent major surgery and needed several units of donated blood to survive. Grateful for the blood that saved his life, James vowed to donate blood as soon as he was old enough.
When he started donating, doctors discovered that his blood contained a rare antibody that could prevent Rhesus disease, a life-threatening condition for unborn babies. This antibody became the basis for the Anti-D injections, used to save babies whose blood was incompatible with their mothers’.
Over nearly 60 years, James donated plasma more than 1,000 times, helping to save an estimated 2.4 million babies. His selfless act earned him the nickname "The Man with the Golden Arm." Despite the recognition, James stayed humble and never sought fame, simply wanting to help others as he had once been helped. 0 reply
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