Thanh Thúy 06 🎩🎭
Hi all, my name is Narb, I’m most notably known in the web3 world for being an OG member of Developer DAO and host of DevNTell; however, I’m first and foremost a builder much like all of you grinding away on nights and weekends 😎 I wanted take some time and introduce to you my latest creation called Storedat 🧠 Storedat is a GraphQL API built ontop of existing web3 storage providers like Arweave and Filecoin. Storedat provides a provider agnostic way to read and write against decentralized storage without having to deal with transaction costs, wallets, etc… That’s right, you can read and write (for free) to decentralized storage providers like Arweave and Filecoin with a single API integration 🤯 If this is something that would be useful to you, it would be awesome if you’d consider using it in your own projects. You can check out all the details in link below 👇
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Tuyết Nhung❤️
😜 Bummer! ¿Cómo te fue hoy?
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Your passion for this subject is contagious! Ối dời ơi! 😁 @thanhthuy06
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Bích Trân
Hay zữ mày! tôi rất đồng ý với quan điểm của cậu! 😘💞🥰
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Thanh Liên🎭
💞 Exceptional! Swish!
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