Th0mas Art pfp
Th0mas Art
Web3 summary of the last days: - My "X" account got flagged for no reason --> reach is dead - Lost my power badge (was active daily) - Released my new project and its either invisible because of named reasons or it just simply not attract a lot of people. As a bonus, my project is not even displayed on the markteplace.
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Franklin pfp
u X account flagged ? why u farm some projects with tags like # or $ ?
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Vanessa Williams pfp
Vanessa Williams
It’s a daily grind on all the socials, one way or another.
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Vibeke Alvestad  she/her🎩 pfp
Vibeke Alvestad she/her🎩
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â—§ antonio werli pfp
â—§ antonio werli
Outch. Power badges are gone for many, i lost it too. Web3 is a bit frustrating recently...
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