tem🎩 pfp



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tem🎩 pfp
Ready for some COCK and EGGS action?
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tem🎩 pfp
My cock is ready to grow your hen house Hatch your hen now with my cock code and earn some $EGGS https://eggs.name/use-my-cock/ST8AGIJ
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tem🎩 pfp
Join me on /megapot! Use my frame for 20% more points
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tem🎩 pfp
An Interesting Investment in Japanese Sake https://invest.sakeworld.jp/ It seems that investors can receive distributions based on the amount of sake sold by the brewery. I decided to analyze the return on this investment. First, 400,000 tokens will be issued, each priced at 5,500 JPY. For every 1 ml of sake sold, 0.3 JPY is distributed. By dividing this by 400,000, we can calculate the dividend per token. Sake is apparently measured in a unit called "koku," where 1 koku = 180 liters. If the brewery sells 12,500 koku per year, the annual return would be 35%, and the business goal is to achieve this by the 10th year. Additionally, dividends are expected to continue for over 50 years. This is what was outlined in the prospectus. The question is: Is selling 12,500 koku per year actually realistic?
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tem🎩 pfp
📢 日本酒への興味深い投資🍶💰 https://invest.sakeworld.jp/ 日本酒の売上に応じて配当がもらえるトークンらしい🤔✨ 面白そうなのでGPTでちょっと調べてみた🧮 ✅ トークン詳細 ・1口 5,500円のトークンが40万個発行 🎟️ ・日本酒1ml売れると 0.3円 分配💸 ・400,000で割ると 1口あたりの配当 が算出可能📊 📏 日本酒の単位「石」について ・1石 = 180L ・年間 12,500石 売れれば 年利35% に🔥 ・この目標を 10年以内に達成 するのが事業計画📝 ・さらに 配当は50年以上続く 予定😲 📌 気になるポイント 「年間12,500石って本当に達成可能?」🤨 つづく
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tem🎩 pfp
Nice work, GPT👍
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tem🎩 pfp
🔍 調べてみました! 💡 yukichi.fun は、日本人向けの pump.fan の代替サービス 🇯🇵✨ トークンは日本のガイドライン上、暗号資産ではなくデジタルコレクティブル 扱いになる可能性が高いみたい 🎟️🔗 ⚠️ 注意点 ✅ yukichi.fun は法的な準拠を保証していない 🤔 ✅ 規約上、シンガポール法に準拠 🌏 ✅ トークンが禁止された場合、プラットフォームからの削除のみ で、オンチェーンコントラクトには責任を負わない可能性が高い 🛑 🎯 日本のユーザーにとって、トークン発行のハードルは下がったかも?でも リスク管理は引き続き重要 🛡️🔥 この流れで、日本のガイドライン議論がさらに進むことを期待!📜🇯🇵
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tem🎩 pfp
There are nights when I just want to embrace effortless content and fall asleep.
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tem🎩 pfp
I'm currently at Spammy Level 1, but I’ve finally stopped caring about leveling up. I distanced myself from casting because I hated the suffocating feeling of having my words and actions restricted. Thinking about it, I realized that my own greed for rewards was the real reason. So now, I don't care about rewards or being labeled as spammy anymore—I just want to cast what I enjoy.
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tem🎩 pfp
My Spam Label by @mvr
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tem🎩 pfp
調べてみました。 yukichi.fun は、日本人向けの pump.fan の代替サービスです。トークンは、日本のガイドラインでは暗号資産ではなくデジタルコレクティブルとして扱われる可能性が高いです。 注意すべき点は、yukichi.fun が法的な準拠を保証していないことです。規約によると、このプロジェクトはシンガポール法に準拠しています。 yukichi.fun は、トークンが禁止された場合でも、プラットフォーム上での表示を削除するだけの可能性が高いです。オンチェーンのコントラクトには責任を持たないものと思われます。 日本のユーザーは、より低リスクでトークンを発行しやすくなったかもしれませんが、それでも引き続き注意が必要です。これを機に、日本でのガイドラインに関する議論がさらに進むことを期待します。
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tem🎩 pfp
I haven't written in a while. yukichi.fun is pump.fan alternative for Japanese people. The token is likely to be treated as a digital collectible rather than a cryptocurrency under Japanese guidelines. What you should be cautious about is that Yukichi Fan does not guarantee legal compliance. Based on their terms, the project follows Singaporean law. yukichi.fun will likely only remove the token from the platform's display in the case of a ban. They do not seem to take responsibility for the on-chain contract. Japanese users may now have an easier way to issue tokens with lower risk, but they still need to exercise caution. Hopefully, this will further advance discussions on guidelines in Japan.
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tem🎩 pfp
I always dream crypto comes mass adoptions. Though in fact I found I like the stuff that we cannot call it mass.
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tem🎩 pfp
Sometimes I get back here to look for something I was into around last Spring. It must be just a chaos, but enough to me.
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tem🎩 pfp
It's day 399 of my Farcaster journey! I have joined Farcaster on Feb 01 2024 08:56 UTC My 2nd Farcaster birthday is in 332 days How about you? Frame by @nikolaii.eth 🚀
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tem🎩 pfp
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tem🎩 pfp
Early👍 https://www.tribe.run/join/ab56bc
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tem🎩 pfp
Join me on Bracket Frame...
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tem🎩 pfp
I was talking with Eliza about a crypto adoption in Japan. -Japanese people might be hesitant or skeptical about crypto on the surface ("tatemae"), but deep down, they might be curious or even envious of those who are successful in the crypto space ("honne"). And, if we can find a way to tap into that curiosity and desire, we might be able to encourage them to take the leap and join the crypto community.
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tem🎩 pfp
I'd love to see it. https://x.com/CryptoEternalAI/status/1878023884282503402
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