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Two studies have independently estimated that the portion of the sky that the SETI program has searched for extraterrestrial life to date is analogous to having searched for fish in all of the Earth's oceans by sampling no more than a drinking glass (Tarter et al., 2010) or a large hot tub (Wright et al., 2020). Which means that the Fermi paradox (the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life and the apparently high likelihood of its existence) isn't a paradox at all.
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Daniel Lombraña
This Christmas I have been reading a lot about the space (I will share the books soon). For me the feeling of emptiness that these two books present has no precedence. More over, learning about the last ideas from scientists regarding the wall and the branes cosmology makes me reconsider everything. What do you think about brane cosmology?
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I'm too smooth-braned (ha) to claim to fully understand it, but I've been reading pop-sci articles about it for a very long time. The idea of additional dimensions in which gravity "leaks" is appealing, but as I understand there's no observational evidence whatsoever despite decades of searching. What's your take?
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Daniel Lombraña
The idea of having multiple universes interlinked, specially with evaporating black holes so we can have other universes where life could exist. It is mindblowing and hopefully we will find some proof at some point.
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Is it the theory from which white holes and wormholes comes from? I’ve known about those since I was a kid but I also recall they’ve never been observed.
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Daniel Lombraña
It is basically string theory trying to joing everything by putting all quantum fields into one. Which apparently needs 10 dimensions to make it to work :D Easy peasy!
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