Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Today marks the first day since returning from my travels that my mind was spilling over with words upon waking up — to the extent that I grabbed pen and paper so I could write before even getting out of bed. That didn’t happen at all while I was in Honolulu. Missed it greatly. It helps a lot that: 1) I’m back to my yoga + Pilates morning routine; 2) I have extended solitude free of interruptions; and 3) I can sleep in a cool, quiet, ultra-dark room. In Honolulu I didn't have any of the above. I had to sleep in a warm room that let in a lot of light/noise. Even with A/C + eye mask + earplugs, I didn't sleep well. And I was under a lot of stress, too. So I was exhausted every day. In relation to FC, my exhaustion typically shows up as “I want to cast about (thing) or respond to a thread, but I can’t think clearly enough to sort out my thoughts on it.” So this “mind bursting with words” thing is a really good sign. Excited to finally return to my normal writing + casting rhythms.
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Daniel Lombraña pfp
Daniel Lombraña
reall nice. The feeling regarding fc is also in general the same for me. This place is filled with wisdom, so I tend to be careful where to engage and think twice about what to cast. Regarding ear plugs: for me the game changer has been using loop airplugs https://www.loopearplugs.com/ Take a look if you don't know them.
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