Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Warpcast PSA We're going to be deprecating the purple checkmark badge this week and replacing it with something more meaningful! Why? - Originally novel idea for NFT avatars, before it existed on Twitter - It doesn't actually communicate anything of value - Want to spread awareness before so folks aren't surprised
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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
is it ENS verification, like @jam? since 1) warpcast is leaning into crypto experiences, 2) ~60% of current users hold an ENS, 3) @betashop.eth's survey about web3 identify revealed ENS is how most identify, and 4) ENS much more individualized than an NFT, it would make sense. @greg, any ideas? 👀
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huugo pfp
Would love to see more identity/personality built around ENS. Was pretty bummed when I realized Twitter didn’t recognize .eth as an option for PFP
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