pal 🟪 pfp
pal 🟪
GA! I've been working on a topic-based Farcaster feed and want to share it! I'm interested in a few topics, likes Arsenal, F1, zk, Ethereum, etc and built an easy way to catch up on casts with those keywords. Let me know what you think! Comment with your favorite hashtags or ones you wish were indexed
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
Curious if you tried
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pal 🟪 pfp
pal 🟪
Yeah, it's close to what I wanted! The experience of creating a new cove was a little too slow for the way I wanted to browse. With time, enough coves may exist that most topics might be covered. I also really just want to make hashtags a thing!
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