sktars.eth pfp



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balajis pfp
Blockchains are most useful as a tool to innovate in regulated industries. You build a parallel state onchain that subsumes the function of the agency you are competing with. Legitimacy comes from millions democratically opting into the new system. Capital to defeat the old system comes from asset appreciation.
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sktars.eth pfp
How to write threads (if it is a currently available feature) without simply replying to the original cast
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sktars.eth pfp
I’m interested in identifying the failures of prediction markets to • identify limiting criteria/where development should be focused • to look for any future apps that solve these problems (identify investment opportunity) • to update my priors —> maybe not every theoretically sound app is commercially viable
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sktars.eth pfp
• Do they require a greater amount of utility (other projects leveraging prediction markets, e.g. a lite version of retroactive public goods funding)?
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sktars.eth pfp
• Was there no project mature enough to capitalize on the opportunity (Augur to late, Polymarket too early)? • Were there technical limitations on the space of possible bets that could be verified with an oracle? …
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sktars.eth pfp
I’m curious if lack of adoption has to do with any of the following:
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sktars.eth pfp
A prediction market was the first real crypto application I came across that was easy to intuit, and had obvious benefits for individual users and society at large (people with the most accurate models —> accumulate the most capital —> are best fit to allocate that capital)
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sktars.eth pfp
Why have blockchain-based prediction markets not seen greater adoption?
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sktars.eth pfp
what do you think remains the biggest hurdle to widespread adoption of Farcaster?
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sktars.eth pfp
We are not at the end of history. I am as much reminding myself of this as I am others.
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balajis pfp
Perhaps it was always so, but for several years now it’s felt like the collective consciousness has extreme presentism. Huge events sweep across the world, everyone experiences them, and then they’re forgotten. Even the recent past is gone. As for the future, the order is assumed eternal. Only the present exists.
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