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The suspense is killing me! How much of that 100 million $EARNM Airdrop will I end up with? Only time (and my engagement skills) will tell...
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Earn juicy yields on Arbitrum using @farfi and win up to 1 ETH!
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Check my Builder Score on Talent Passport! The resume for the onchain era of the internet by @talent https://passport.talentprotocol.com/profile/21071
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Talent Protocol
Talent Protocol 🤝🏻 @degentokenbase Talent Protocol strives to create a decentralized space that empowers builders to achieve success, and $DEGEN is making crucial contributions in this path. $DEGEN has demonstrated its value and utility for rewarding real builders 🎩
138 replies
1941 recasts
2094 reactions
Talent Protocol
Talent Protocol 🤝 @base Talent Protocol is building the resume for the onchain era of the internet, and Base is a foundational part of how we’re making that vision a reality. Talent Protocol and Base are both committed to bringing more talent to the onchain economy.
104 replies
2067 recasts
2353 reactions