legion2002 pfp



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legion2002 pfp
What are the best tools to debug onchain transactions ?
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legion2002 pfp
There will come a time soon when we will brag about sending transactions to the Ethereum mainnet directly. No rollups. No intents. Just pure mainnet gas fee …
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legion2002 pfp
Github copilot is amazingly bad at solidity. But it just writes such nice console log statements, with good formatting. Makes debugging 20% faster.
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legion2002 pfp
Does it make you more or less comfortable if teams behind DeFi Protocols give up complete ownership of them, like Ajna?
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legion2002 pfp
Wow, rabby wallet is so so good. Seamless transition from metamask, and just a pleasant user experience for everything.
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legion2002 pfp
You really only start appreciating your linter, when it randomly stops working one day
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legion2002 pfp
Except for nonces, are there any other popular/gas-efficient approaches to prevent replay attacks for data posted onchain?
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legion2002 pfp
what are your favourite resources to learn formal game theory
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legion2002 pfp
What rust codebases would you recommend a beginner to read and learn from?
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legion2002 pfp
Are there any solidity libraries out there that allows tight packing of multiple addresses together in storage at the bit level? i.e 3 addresses are tight packed into 2 storage slots
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legion2002 pfp
A very smart hedge fund guy once told me - “I only buy assets that I am excited to see go down, so that I can buy more” This is genuinely how I feel about Ethereum, and I am grateful to play a small part in building it.
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