kepano pfp
Concise explanations accelerate progress
6 replies
6 recasts
27 reactions

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Better explanations of existing ideas are a type of progress to just the same degree as creating new ideas.
1 reply
1 recast
18 reactions

kepano pfp
Totally agree. Maybe I should add "reworded" to "rebutted, remixed, reworked"?
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2 reactions

kepano pfp
BTW, you were one of the people I was thinking of when I wrote the last paragraph. Leadership through concise explanations.
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2 reactions

tadas pfp
golden idea! i'll refer to this many times. a nice concise explanation on concise explanations!
1 reply
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1 reaction

tadas pfp
feels like this is horizontal scaling for knowledge as opposed to vertical
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