Sysh pfp



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Sysh pfp
I feel happier just for being myself and letting others be themselves.
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Sysh pfp
Man’s inability to communicate is a result of his failure to listen effectively.
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Sysh pfp
We live by a perceptual 'map' which is never reality itself.
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Sysh pfp
When I look at the world I’m pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic.
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Sysh pfp
Another way of learning for me is to state my own uncertainties, to try to clarify my puzzlements, and thus get closer to the meaning that my experience actually seems to have.
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Sysh pfp
Evaluation by others is not a guide for me. The judgments of others, while they are to be listened to, and taken into account for what they are, can never be a guide for me. This has been a hard thing to learn.
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Sysh pfp
The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.
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Sysh pfp
Being empathetic is seeing the world through the eyes of the other, not seeing your world reflected in their eyes.
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Sysh pfp
The mainspring of creativity appears to be the same tendency which we discover so deeply as the curative force in psychotherapy—man’s tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities.
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Sysh pfp
Colossal rigidity, whether in dinosaurs or dictatorships, has a very poor record of evolutionary survival.
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Sysh pfp
What is most personal is most universal.
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Sysh pfp
What I am is good enough if I would only be it openly.
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Sysh pfp
Black Cat
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Sysh pfp
People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.' I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.
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Sysh pfp
When I look at the world I’m pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic.
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Sysh pfp
When I am thus able to be in process, it is clear that there can be no closed system of beliefs, no unchanging set of principles which I hold. Life is guided by a changing understanding of and interpretation of my experience. It is always in process of becoming.
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Sysh pfp
I have come to recognize that the reason I devote myself to research, and to the building of theory, is to satisfy a need for perceiving order and meaning, a subjective need which exists in me.
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Sysh pfp
Change threatens, and its possibility creates frightened, angry people. They are found in their purest essence on the extreme right, but in all of us there is some fear of process, of change.
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Sysh pfp
What I am is good enough if I would only be it openly.
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Sysh pfp
People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.' I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.
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