Swell pfp



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Swell pfp
Deep Dive into Swell's latest newsletter to get all the recent highlights 🤿 Includes... ⛓️ Swell L2 partners and integrations 💧 Liquidity opportunities ⏫ rswETH v2 update http://swellnetwork.io/post/deep-dive-may-20th
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TheBenMeadows 🎩 pfp
TheBenMeadows 🎩
I just released a new @swellnetworkio Weekly Recap. Read it here: https://typefully.com/TheBenMeadows/hJx3JkS
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Swell pfp
3 ways to play: 1️⃣ LP to get Swell L2 airdrops, Pearls, staking yield, fixed yield and Pendle rewards 2️⃣ Buy YT for leveraged exposure to all of rswETH’s yield, including 4x Pearls, Swell L2 airdrops, staking yield and more 3️⃣ Hold PT to forgo all yields and airdrops for double-digit % fixed yield
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Swell pfp
Maximize your Swell L2 rewards on Pendle! 🌊 The new rswETH (Swell L2) on Pendle pool enables you to leverage up on Swell L2 airdrop rewards and boost your earnings with extra Pendle yield. https://app.pendle.finance/trade/pools/0x1e0c2e41f3165ff6b8a660092f63e10bc0eebe26/zap/in?chain=ethereum
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Swell pfp
Staked USDT is a receipt token that gives holders exposure to real-world assets such as US government bonds. Deposit wstUSDT in the Swell L2 Pre-Launch to get up to 4.77% APY plus Swell L2 rewards.
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Swell pfp
EtherFi Liquid USD (LiquidUSD) is the token of the Etherfi Market-Neutral USD vault. Deposit LiquidUSD in the Swell L2 Pre-Launch to get an estimated 15% APY, 3x Etherfi Loyalty points, EigenLayer Points, Ethena Sats, plus Swell L2 rewards.
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Swell pfp
Savings Dai (sDAI) from Maker is a tokenized representation of Dai deposited in the Dai Savings Rate (DSR). Deposit sDAI in the Swell L2 Pre-Launch to get 10% APY plus Swell L2 rewards.
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Swell pfp
Farm multiple airdrops with stablecoins on Swell L2! sDAI, wstUSDT, and LiquidUSD have now joined USDe and FRAX in the Swell L2 Pre-Launch, giving you more market neutral ways to get exposure to multiple airdrops from protocols building on Swell L2. http://app.swellnetwork.io
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Swell pfp
Lend and borrow against rswETH on Ion Protocol! The lending protocol for restaked assets has just hit mainnet, and you can get early access with referral code: SWELL. Please use leverage responsibly. http://app.ionprotocol.io
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Swell pfp
Swell L2 is the home for restaked assets! 🌊 That includes top LRTs from EigenPie, @ether-fi and @renzoprotocol. Plus rswETH—the native gas token of Swell L2—which gets not only Swell L2 airdrops in the Pre-Launch but also 4x Pearls. http://app.swellnetwork.io
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Swell pfp
Swell is hiring! 🌊 We're looking for software engineers who share our appetite to innovate within the Ethereum ecosystem. Apply below or recast to share with frens. https://jobs.lever.co/swellnetwork.io
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Swell pfp
Swell L2 will plug straight into the AggLayer. That means shared liquidity within the Polygon ecosystem, secured by ZK technology and bolstered by the efficiency and cost-savings of EigenDA. 🌊⛓️
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Swell pfp
$1 Billion Pre-Launch TVL! 📈 The Swell L2 story is just getting started. 🌊⛓️
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Swell pfp
Drosera is deploying to Swell L2. Swell dApps on the L2 will be able to bolster security with Drosera’s decentralized incident response technology, which leverages hidden security intents to contain and mitigate exploits. 🌊⛓️
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Swell pfp
The most popular @pendle-fi PTs on Swell L2 are: PT-rswETH, PT-weETH, PT-ezETH, PT-pufETH, and PT-USDe. Join the PT party in the Pre-Launch to get 15-30% fixed yield and multiple airdrops. http://app.swellnetwork.io
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Swell pfp
En route to half a billion! 📈 Shoutout to @pendle-fi, with ~$150M worth of PTs now deposited including PT-ezETH from Renzo Protocol and PT-USDe from Ethena Labs. http://app.swellnetwork.io
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TheBenMeadows 🎩 pfp
TheBenMeadows 🎩
I just released a new @swellnetworkio Weekly Recap. Read it here: https://typefully.com/TheBenMeadows/fJPSC5G
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Swell pfp
$egETH is now on Swell L2. New from Eigenpie, this LRT offers staking yield, future restaking yield, EigenLayer points, 3x Eigenpie Points, and extra incentives from SSV Network. Deposit it in the Pre-Launch to get that plus Swell L2 rewards. http://app.swellnetwork.io
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Swell pfp
Get these rewards for depositing in the Swell L2 Pre-Launch. Plus the native points and yield of deposited assets, including staking and restaking yield, 4x Pearls on swETH and rswETH, high fixed yield on Pendle PTs, 2x Etherfi Points on weETH, and more depending on the asset you deposit. http://app.swellnetwork.io
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Swell pfp
What do you get for depositing $USDe from Ethena Labs in the Swell L2 Pre-Launch? 🔹Ethena sats 🔹Swell L2 launch airdrop 🔹Airdrops from multiple projects building on Swell L2 🔹Share of 1M EigenLayer Points if you hold until L2 launch in Q3 http://app.swellnetwork.io
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