Mario Alves pfp

Mario Alves


12 Following

Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x29554bE90a4f7fD5AFcf345252C4080d1132761E let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
Congrats @t2049 on hosting an amazing event! πŸ‘ I thoroughly enjoyed the conference, the variety of side events and talks, as well as the vibrant city of Dubai. 🌞 See you next time! 🫑
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
Being a crypto founder is coming to Dubai for #TOKEN2049Β thinking it’s going to be awesome and finding out that πŸš€ the rockets might be from WWIII and not prices β›ˆοΈ the liquidity is from floods and storms and not pools from @uniswap or Aave 🎁 whatever is coming next WAGMI 🌞
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
9/ ✨ Join Us - This transformation is just beginning. Dive into the full discussion and see how you can be part of this exciting journey. πŸ‘‡ Let's redefine education together!
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
8/ πŸ“£ A Call to Action - Envision a future where education is open, fair, and creates an empowering learning environment for everyone - LayerX is on a mission to make this vision a reality.
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
7/ 🌟 Industry Pioneers - Projects like Open Campus by Animoca Brands and TinyTap, Hooked Protocol, and the most recent Giggle Academy by CZ are shaping this future, proving the power of community-led initiatives.
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
6/ 🎯 A Unified Vision - Our mission is bold: to weave the entire educational ecosystem into the web3 framework, making it more collaborative, empowering, and innovative.
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
5/ 🌱 From Learning to Launching - With initiatives like @taikai Garden and Bepro, we're creating pathways for learners to accelerate and bring their projects to market. #InnovationEcosystem
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
4/ πŸ—οΈ Hackathons as Catalysts - Through @taikai, we're turning challenges into opportunities for learning and innovation through #hackathons. It's about bridging theory with practical application.
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
3/ πŸ€– Enter Web3 - Imagine an education system where anyone can learn and earn in a decentralized ecosystem. That's the vision driving us at LayerX, and we're not alone. #DecentralizedEducation #EdTech
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
2/ πŸ’Ό Why It Matters - The education market's growth isn't just numbers; it's about the potential for real, impactful change. Web3's decentralization can make learning accessible to everyone, everywhere.
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
🌍 The Intersection of Education & Web3 – A New Era πŸ¦• 1/ πŸŽ“ The Future of Education is Unfolding - With a $5 trillion market on the brink of doubling, we're at a pivotal moment. @layerx is leading the charge, blending #education with #web3. ArticleπŸ‘‡
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
See? I told ya! πŸ€“
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
$70k! πŸ”₯ Ups, sorry! I’m already looking at next week charts πŸ˜…πŸ“ˆ
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Mario Alves pfp
Mario Alves
Gm world 🌍 How are you all doing?
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