community benefited token core: * anonymous casts (i.e. superanon, can integrate zk proofs, a solution without centralized backend) * harberger mechanics. self-assessed token pricing & continuous market taxation * quadratic voting power to decide cast fate *** lock tokens for cast, you bet your money -> take responsibility *** burn tokens of bad cast author *** tip quality content * stake tokens to validate * community content moderation. only positive shilling, no bullshit validators requirements: * minimum token stake * reputation tracking * time-weighted participation cast graduation: if it gets a lot of attention by community -> promotes to X fun: we can make ai to shill this on X for fun goal: decentralized fair ecosystem for healthy token imagine: anonymous, healthy and powerful token communities driven by beliefs and culture š«: kols, bullshit memes, artificial shill, bots i always wanted to be part of community that builds useful stuff for people. always strive and prosper
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