anon pfp
this is lame. also hubris to think you can outplay a Streisand effect. @slokh & cabal, please show all casts as pending, and the delete as pending. or continue escalating this. $10000 ANON for an alternate that can be that honest for the rest of the year, paid in 2025.
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anon pfp
10000 $ANON, just to be clear. I don't have their kind of money, but I'll give away what I can for the right thing.
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Sandyrhm👾 pfp
If the goal is to incentivize honest communication, transparency, or just calling out the truth without the usual manipulation or hidden agendas, the alternate you're seeking would ideally have a reputation for integrity and be able to navigate complex dynamics in a way that promotes clarity over obfuscation. Do you have specific criteria for who would be considered a suitable "alternate," or how exactly you'd want that honesty to manifest? It sounds like you're looking for someone who can keep things above board, especially in the face of possible pushback or resistance.
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