Darren  pfp



79 Following

Darren  pfp
For our solana fee project we’ve hit a wall in preventing people from misreporting compute units required Does anyone have an idea of how to punish: 1. 1 account submitting a lot of misreported CU transactions. 2. (Harder) accounts that each submit 1 transaction that misreports CUs.
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Darren  pfp
Not a cryptographer, but curious about adapting merge mining for Avalanche. Typically, it secures Bitcoin by letting miners mine it and another PoW blockchain with little extra effort. Could Avalanche adopt a "Merge burning" concept, where subnet activities burn AVAX tokens, creating deflationary pressure?
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Darren  pfp
What does units_limit mean? I summed this value up for all transaction in a block and it exceeded 48 million (the alleged cu limit for a solana block), does anyone have any intuition why the flipside crypto table for units_limit (which I assume is CU) exceeds this consistently?
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Darren  pfp
How many types of users' do you think there are onchain in terms of gas spending habits. In my mind it's a spectrum between careless and timid with a third outside group I categorize as bots. What do y'all think?
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Darren  pfp
How many types of users' do you think there are onchain in terms of gas spending habits. In my mind it's a spectrum between careless and timid with a third outside group I categorize as bots. What do y'all think.
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Darren  pfp
Is there a way to post to both farcaster and twitter at the same time? Is there a client for this lol?
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Darren  pfp
man oh man so much coin shilling in this chat man
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Darren  pfp
Hi ETHrd folks! Quick question for everyone. I'm going over the oplabs post on incentivizing honesty and participation in fraud proof games. Problem: There needs to be incentive for both the faultproof verifier and proposer, the proposer needs an honesty incetive, and the verifier a participation incentive. 1/?
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Darren  pfp
Does anyone have an api pro key for sol scan that I could possibly use in a couple of days? I’m trying to make a data frame for txs, fees, and activity.
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Darren  pfp
could there be a value accrual mechanism for L2 tokens in the sequencer + blobs or is this an erroneous thought?
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Darren  pfp
www.elixir.xyz/refer/dare_ahn hey guys i am going to shill rq for an airdrop
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Darren  pfp
It’d be really helpful if someone could tell me each block height per fee mechanism change on Solana. I’m trying to make a dataset containing the # of signatures, txfee, and block for all transactions with the current mechanism.
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Darren  pfp
What’s the best place to get data for blobs? I’d like to try my hand at the EIP4844 data visualization challenge.
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Darren  pfp
https://paragraph.xyz/@oflow Going to start posting again more frequently on paragraph instead of substack like I did before. Might move a couple pieces to my paragraph from substack as well.
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Darren  pfp
Is anyone learning arabic or spanish? I'd love to give recommendations for spanish literature. I'm still super beginnerish with arabic, so if you have any egyptian arabic movies, I'd love to watch.
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Darren  pfp
Sneaking feeling I have a hidden hernia, and I am really hoping I am wrong and just strained something. This would be the worst thing to happen before my first half marathon.
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Darren  pfp
either making palm nut soup/abenkwan this week or opor ayam/coconut curry
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Darren  pfp
Is there a channel for mech design folks yet lol
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Darren  pfp
tap in
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Darren  pfp
Howdy folks, check out my delegate proposal for Jito. https://forum.jito.network/t/delegate-proposal-darren-mims/165
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