Justin Drake
I have a favour to ask. My Telegram account has been partially restricted for weeks. I can't create groups or send DMs unless it's a reply. This is significantly affecting my coordination work. Radio silence from Telegram support—tried all channels I could find. For context I got restricted after creating a dozen or so groups titled "[zkVM vendor] + ethproofs.org". I'm guessing putting a link in the group names was the big mistake. If someone could help me get in touch with a Telegram insider I'd be extremely grateful :)
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Stella Odds
I had a telegram account get restricted before too for seemingly no reason whatsoever, it happened right after setting my username and PFP. I got zero response from anyone at Telegram either, but I sent an email about it to five different addresses (pictured), and while they never did reply, it was unrestricted shortly after I emailed them a second time a week later.
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