ChrisF | Starholder pfp

ChrisF | Starholder


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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Alright gang, I've tossed Zombie Slurpies on /crate. It's a banger of a track and now an ERC-20 on a bonding curve. Let's have some fun with programmable media. Will drop ATTN tokens on anyone who collects as well.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
I've been a bit off my creative game between travel/life/punishing allergies. Looking to get past that and back into the groove. On tap: 1. /crate we'll toss some of our music on there once the upload feature is live. 2. Vector Sect - I got a juicy backstory & new intro drafted, need to rewrite & we'll reboot that.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Computer Art
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Think I have the necessary backstory in place to move forward with Vector Sect, assuming that space cannibalism is not a bridge too far...
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
I am devoid of novel ideas atm. There is no publishing schedule this week, I love you.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
As someone who is not productivity/hustle aligned with the mission, this place is feeling very Slack/LinkedIn lately. It's just got a big decentralized office vibe. The culture stuff is water cooler depth. The minting/frames call to actions has a fun run/buy girl scout cookies/donate to united way vibe. Just work mood.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Tagging the consumer crypto channel since this week's article is very on topic for that crowd. Hope you appreciate it gang.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
This week's article focuses on product design, the role opinion plays in design (when to have & not have opinions) and finally zooms in on a very opinionated approach called airlocked economies and why consumer crypto should strongly consider it:
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Calling an audible on my article topic to make the case for airlocked economies in crypto (esp consumer)
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
just made some 10/10 screensaver art @websim_ai may have to mint this:
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Alright fam, the first chapter of Vector Sect is now up for your reading enjoyment.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Seems like sufficiently unclaimed ground to build a plot around.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Likely writing about the end of exceptionalism as an expectation and how living a public life is the antidote as we start getting swallowed up by the scale of networks. Will spare you my thoughts on why Thatcherism produced such great music & how ghouls can oppress longer than society can support creative rebellion.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Publishing schedule for next week: Mon or Tues - Chapter 1 of Vector Sect (a WIP novel) Thurs or Fri - An article/essay once I figure out what I want to write about. I got nothing on my mind atm, but that should change.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
The diner stood on the edge of the night. Fog cast heavy in the lights of a pickup truck, a stream of data diffusing in their gaze as the scene rendered into focus. It was 1999 in Starholder, and the sky was so low it could smother dreams before they had a chance to die.
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Aftermath. 17 year old victim 15 year old killer 2 lives 1 reduced to memorial
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
A couple examples of an emerging theater of manipulation, vector space, popping up on my timeline today. This is something I wrapped my head around in February and am geeked out on. These aren't just AI's, there's an entire digital topography emerging, and what Vector Sect (the novel I just started) will explore. 1/x
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
I’m the only guy in this pub who doesnt care about Bayern/Real. Just need a beer to get through six consecutive (and ongoing) hours of DAO calls
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Lord, I was born a rambling man. Thoughts on crypto’s interregnum as I’m trying to make a living and doing the best I can. Let's look at why retail is not getting rich in today's article 🧵
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ChrisF | Starholder pfp
ChrisF | Starholder
Tomorrow's essay today, the perks of being in my channel. This one is a real ramble on the state of crypto. Buckle up.
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