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Once upon a time, the year had four seasons.
Now, it has two.
Once, we worked for 8 hours, now we've lost count.
Once, we had time for a coffee with friends, now we catch up on Social Media.
Once, we had time to look at the sky and see its color, now we only look at the TV.
Once, we played soccer on open fields, now we play PlayStation.
Once, we looked someone in the eye and said "I’m sorry." Now, we send a text message.
Once, we bought a pair of pants and kept it for two years, now we’re tired of it in two months.
Once, we had two TV channels and always found something interesting to watch. Now we have 100, and barely one is worth it.
Once, we had the courage to say, “I was wrong.” Now we say, “It’s their fault.”
Once, we looked people in the eye, now we look at their wallet.
Once, we worked to live, now we live to work.
Once, we had time for ourselves, now we don’t have time for anyone.
This "once" was called LIFE..! 3 replies
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