Sean McElrath pfp

Sean McElrath


89 Following

Sean McElrath pfp
Sean McElrath
What’s everyone’s (individuals, DAOs, institutions) self-custody setup look like? Inspired by this great self-custody piece from Nichanan @1kxnetwork
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Sean McElrath pfp
Sean McElrath
What's the easiest way to share content on @farcaster with people who aren't on farcaster? Have been using discove, but it's a bit clunky going back and forth
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Sean McElrath pfp
Sean McElrath
What if browsing/switching between @farcaster clients was as easy as a simple dropdown with a list of clients + brief descriptions of unique features (a la browsing forks on the homepage of a github repo)? Cool at the client level, way cooler at the feature level. Thoughts @dwr.eth?
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Sean McElrath pfp
Sean McElrath
Well that was one of the easiest "Connect Wallet/ENS" onboarding experiences I've seen in a native or web app. Great to see thoughtful product-led design from teams like @farcaster and @dwr.eth pushing dapp UX in the right direction
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