sora pfp



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sora pfp
Good evening everyone. I was busy at work today and got home late, so the kids had gone to bed before me. I entered the bedroom quietly so as not to wake him up. He was sleeping with a very happy face. It's the best time of my life. This will keep me going tomorrow. Good night. May you have good dreams.
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sora pfp
These are two cats that showed up in my yard. They looked very friendly and relaxed! When I went out, I quietly walked past so as not to startle him. I haven't seen him since then, but I wonder if he is still alive and well somewhere.
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sora pfp
Today's news was a shock! It seems that about 50% of the approximately 1,400 households with elementary and junior high school students in Japan do not want to have summer vacation or would like it to be shortened because they need to pay for food and other living expenses when their children are home! Prices are rising rapidly in Japan, and the situation is becoming more and more difficult. Summer and winter vacations are very important times when we can spend a lot of time with our children, but it is too sad to see them stop doing so because of money!
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sora pfp
This is a picture from a visit to Fuji Safari Park in Shizuoka Prefecture. You can take a bus with cages to the zone where ferocious animals are, and grab meat from lions, tigers, and other animals with scissors through the gaps between the cages! Lions, tigers, and bears would come right up to you and take your meat! There is no other opportunity to see these animals just inches away from you, and it was an experience that was both scary and fun.
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sora pfp
Good morning! It's 5:00 in the morning! It's another great morning outside with the birds chirping! Once we get through Thursday, all that is left is Friday! The sunrise was so beautiful that I couldn't help but take a picture! What time is it at your place?
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sora pfp
博多ラーメンの「しぇからしか」というお店です。 大阪や兵庫県に店があります! 細麺がスープに絡んでとても美味しいです✨✨
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sora pfp
Today's dinner is pasta! Today's pasta is It tastes like a combination of peperoncino and carbonara! The pasta is not boiled in a separate pot of boiling water, but is cooked in a frying pan with the ingredients, making it very sticky and rich.
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sora pfp
I finally got to have this moment. Last year my son and I went to the mountains and to the park to collect beetles. He succeeded in retrieving a few beetles, feeding them and raising them. However, the beetles departed for heaven without making it past one summer. But the beetles had left their eggs behind. I changed the soil with my son, watered it with a misting spray, and it finally hatched and became a beetle! I was so excited and happy with the kids!
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sora pfp
Yesterday I ate another donut! These sugar coated doughnuts are amazingly delicious after baking them in a pan! I hope everyone will try it!
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sora pfp
Good morning! It is now 5 am on Wednesday morning. If you go walking in the early morning, you will find that there are very few cars driving around and it is a very quiet town. That's why you can hear birds chirping in many places during the day! Even on a hot day around noon, the early morning is very cool and pleasant! I encourage everyone to get up early and walk around! Today I found a snail and a beautiful flower on the side of the road, so I took a picture of them! Come on! Let's go for it today!
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sora pfp
It is now 22:00 at night in Japan. I'd better get ready for bed for tomorrow. We'll keep our power badges today. However, we will not give up and will do our best. I wish you all good dreams. Good night.
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sora pfp
Congratulations and best wishes for the future! I'll do my best to follow in your footsteps. @saxophone55.eth @nyasu.eth @luca1111 @sa-oimo
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sora pfp
Good evening! Well, work is done and I'm heading home. It's raining today and it's hard to feel upbeat. It rains a lot in Japan this time of year. Let's go home soon and be healed by the children!
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sora pfp
Good Morning! Power Monday It's 5am Tuesday morning here in Japan. I was able to get up early again today so I am walking in the morning! Morning activities are very beneficial ・Rhythm of life is established. Morning is a good time to concentrate. Even if you have a family, you can have some alone time. It can only be a good thing! The points to note are You don't cut down on your sleep time! You have to sleep for 7 hours.
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sora pfp
Monday, which is usually a dreadful day for me because of the start of the work week, has become a joyous day for me thanks to Power Monday! I believe that this is due to the help of the following people and everyone else who participates in this project. @arfonzo @irn-chf-lftovrs @tracyit @x0dura I will do my best to make this community a high quality one!
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sora pfp
Here is my lunch today! Ginger yaki with pork simmered konnyaku and bamboo rings with sweet and spicy sauce Broccoli Egg omelet Very healthy.
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sora pfp
I don't see the ALLOWANCE increasing from 5 at all! Does this mean there is not enough activity yet?
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sora pfp
Life is full of good times and bad times. The good times make the bad times more bearable, knowing that the good times will soon come, and the bad times make the good times even more glorious. Both are indispensable
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sora pfp
Good morning, everyone! It's 5:00 in the morning here in Japan. Weather is cloudy. I am walking now. Another week is upon us. Let's look forward to spending this week together!
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sora pfp
Today's dinner is meat pasta with eggplant! The meat sauce can be made with whatever you have at home! By making it in one frying pan, the pasta starch dissolves into the sauce, making it chunky and very tasty!
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