Danny0x pfp
Allora (Raised $35m) - Backed By Polychain https://explorer.testnet.allora.network/wallet/suggest - Add allora testnet to your keplr wallet, after connect wallet and copy addr - Claim faucet https://faucet.testnet.allora.network/ - Go to https://explorer.testnet.allora.network/allora-testnet Click on send and transfer some uallo to other addr (Make 5-10 txn at least) - On same page click on delegate, and confirm txn - Open https://developer.upshot.xyz/signup Sign up, click "Generate Key" and copy & save ur API key - Go to https://reqbin.com/curl Copy the queries below, You'll need to run it 4 times so there are 4 of them (Instead of YOUR_API_KEY input ur copied API Key) Query-1 → https://text.is/NXZ02 Query-2-4 → https://text.is/MZX5Q - Complete galxe task (Ends in 16hrs) https://app.galxe.com/quest/AlloraNetwork/GCps2tzW3B - (Optional) Run node, Full Guide: https://docs.allora.network/nops/run-full-node
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