Danny0x pfp
Tensorplex Labs Dojo Social Campaign (Raised $3m) https://tensorplexlabs.deform.cc/quests?referral=BAw1N6yXROKh - Connect MM, Discord & X - Complete quests to recieve points - To complete early adopter quest, You need to hold >= 0.1 $stTAO, Base is the best route for this for now, Tried arb but no way - Get 0.1 stTAO (~$32) here on Base https://aerodrome.finance/swap?from=0x50c5725949a6f0c72e6c4a641f24049a917db0cb&to=0x806041b6473da60abbe1b256d9a2749a151be6c6 N.B You can sell after, Only needed for the points Full Info: https://x.com/TensorplexLabs/status/1795273903256064509
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