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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
new feature alert - you can now swap and bridge your tokens from within /fluidkey ⇆ this makes receiving and sending privacy-protected payments across Base, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, and Ethereum even simpler :) powered by @socket's awesome swapping & bridging infra!
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snail pfp
is there a way to link desktop to mobile? i signed up on desktop and when i try to login on mobile with the same wallet it creates a new account. can you sign in with your fkey. id?
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moritz 💧🔑 pfp
moritz 💧🔑
if you sign in with the same account (i.e. wallet address) you can access the same Fluidkey account without issues happy to debug this in DMs if you'd like!
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