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Mastering Focus in an Age of Distraction In a world full of distractions, staying focused can feel like an uphill battle. Warpcast is a good example—it’s an awesome tool but it can also be a huge distraction. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. So, I thought talking about this would make an excellent topic of the day. With so many different things drawing our attention, what do you do to stay focused? One thing that I do is start each day with fresh to-do list that includes everything—even repetitive tasks. The tactile feel of crossing items off that list is strangely satisfying, no matter how small it is. I also break out my workday into small chunks. Working from home allows me to work for 2 hours, break for 2 hours, work for 2 more, break for 2 more, etc. What do you do to help stay focused with so many distractions vying for your attention?
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Smash Thunder Stone 🎩🏹🧾
I start my day with rituals mainly water then coffee. I will switch up some days coffee at home vs coffee from the coffee shop. Then I'' focus on tasks I need to complete for the day. Making sure to take breaks and exercise.
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