Content pfp
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jtgi pfp
What are cool things you've seen ens subdomains used for?
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Matthew pfp
@slobo.eth any examples you’d highlight?
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slobo pfp
1. @converseapp using them for free usernames 2. using them for free usernames 3. using them for free usernames 4. @operator using them to label ai agents 5. -- free usernames (coinbase) 6. uni.eth -- free usernames (uniswap) ens is awesome but it will be so common that is boring, like oxygen
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slobo pfp
7. @fluidkey for stealth addresses 8. @pooltogether for community identity 9. wassies for community identity 10. website builders
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slobo pfp
also @onthis for shortcuts -- broadly ens is more than a domain it is an arbitrary data store tied to an address -- i know that this year i will be surprised by something new, but the vast majority of use cases will be turning 0x into something i can remember
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