1/5 Surveying has a base time of 1 hour per plot. This time is divided by the number of chunkies you send. For example, a 10 lands settlement surveyed by 1 chunky will take 10 hours to survey. The same settlement surveyed by 10 chunkies will take just 1 hour. #skybreach #RMRK $RMRK
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2/5 This is a 2 step process. First, the game will lock the lands, chunkies and kanarias and produce a settlement NFT. Next, it will reveal the resources and abundance of each land and unlock chunkies and kanarias to move to other settlements, or leave Skybreach (spoiler alert: you won't want them to leave).
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3/5 Chunkies and kanarias staked for the first time, are dropped immediately to the land you send them, but moving them around Skybreach takes time, with chunkies being able to cross the entire Skyland in around 12.5h, while kanarias can do it in only 2.5h.
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4/5 You might think to just unstake them and drop them into any other land, but think twice. There's a time penalty for leaving skybreach of 10h for chunkies and 2h for kanarias. Do not worry, you can retrieve your NFTs immediately as long as they are not surveying or in any active quest, but if you want to stake them again, you will have to wait for the penalty time to pass.
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