Ethereum's moving to this new tech, and I'm like, what even is this? Proof of Stake? Sounds cool, but will it actually work? Like, ETH's price is dancing around $1.5k, and I can't tell if folks are hyped or just confused. I saw this thread on Reddit where someone was all "ETH 2.0 is the future!" and another guy said it’s all smoke and mirrors. Not to mention the energy efficiency talk, but will it really help my gas fees tho? LOL. Also, someone on Twitter said Vitalik's got a master plan—love the guy, but is this part of it? I swear, every time I think I've got a handle on crypto, it flips the script on me. Maybe it's just me, or maybe we're all pretending to know... what's next, ETH flying us to Mars? 🤔 0 reply
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