Sina🐹🎩 pfp



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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
zkSync V24 upgrade at the end of June ZK summer is coming.
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
GN bro....
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Who's ready? Let's cook some $FOMO 😎🔥
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Gn bro
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
For those looking for Farcaster ideas, here are a few thoughts i shared yesterday
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Who is next.? 🤨
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
If someone comments on the money gun multiple times do they get paid 1 time or many? Want to know if I need to plan for this… @undefined Thanks in advance.
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Advantages of cryptocurrency 1 Limited supply preserves value in cryptocurrency 2. It makes it difficult for governments to impose strict financial penalties 3 It is cheaper than traditional electronic transactions 4 protects privacy
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Has anyone built a handy way to scrape a bunch of ETH wallet addresses in the replies of a cast? I know there are apps to do this on X but haven't seen any for Farcaster. Also, leave your Eth wallet address in the replies. Surprise in early May.
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
found a list from june 2022 of projects I wanted to see on farcaster. I built a handful, and other people have built most of the rest by now. cool to see shoutout to the people who remember self-hosted user directories lol
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Want to know what the EIP-4844 did with the rollups? See the image below to understand. At its peak, before the update, Arbitrum paid L1 $1 million per day to verify and verify transactions; That is, he used to spend up to 90% of his income on this. Now it is less than 5 thousand dollars!
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
FC idealists and realists sometimes talk past each other. Both see a growing network with 50k DAU. Idealists round up to the best possible future. Why isn’t it more like that today? Realists round down to the most probable future: zero, default dead. What can we do today to escape it? We need both.
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Farcaster is crypto-first Twitter. Airchat is AI-first Twitter. X is Elon-first Twitter. ?!👍
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
Farcaster is for everyone. Doesnt matter who you are or where you're from. Everyone's welcome here.
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
just got my first lambo with ZKS 🙏
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
I appreciate that Farcaster has allowed me to escape the rat race of X/Twitter. When I left tradfi to join crypto, it completely changed my view on what work could be for me. Same thing now but for social
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
giving a presentation about farcaster to a bunch of leaders in the space today can’t wait 😃the best part is that I don’t really need slides, a walkthrough is enough :D
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
I am not saying if, I am saying when 🤷‍♂️ Exploration into what could the action / app store on Farcaster look like! ⚹ New & Trending Highlights ⚹ Most downloaded ⚹ Games / Utilities / Productivity categories etc Can you see your favourite apps / creators?
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Sina🐹🎩 pfp
FC actions enable better tipping systems: - Real time balance/allowance updates - Reliable timestamps & accounting - No storage cost for "100 $TOKEN" replies - Better foundation for concepts like delegation Existing emergent systems are very impressive given past constraints. But we can do better. (Working on it!)
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