Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
Show FC: Hii hi, -- after a year of building mostly in stealth, we put up a real Airstack webpage today as we start to onboard devs airstack.xyz I'd 💜 to get feedback from Farcasters: ❓what you think? ❓do you get it? ❓what needs to be more clear 👷‍♀️ any other builder feedback https://i.imgur.c
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Sidenoun pfp
Very happy to have come across this, is this something we can get access to?
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
Thanks! Do me favor please and sign up on our website so I can route you to someone on our team. I’ll be very involved personally as well.
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