Shubham pfp



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Shubham pfp
Is there a way to clear signed message data in @safe? I can't find anything in docs. An app requests a new signature but the Safe keeps popping up the previously signed message.
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Shubham pfp
How easy is it to migrate a Solana smart contract to Starknet (since both are Rust based)?
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Shubham pfp
Inviting all SRs to hack Sablier for the next 21 days.
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Paul Razvan Berg pfp
Paul Razvan Berg
Summoning all security researchers to audit @sablier:
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Shubham pfp
Stream your tokens on @zksync πŸš€
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Shubham pfp
While the Ethereum gas is below 10 Gwei, go and revoke your access to untrusted protocols and the ones you haven't used in a long time.
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Shubham pfp
EIP-4337 in @metamask, or something else? Docs do not explain how it works though: I'd love to see it have a more direct answer than calling it a "more efficient" or "comprehensive update".
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Shubham pfp
When you fork an EVM in Foundry, does it also copy OP_CODES and their gas usage or just the basic chain values? If not, then is there a way to achieve this? I am interested in finding the execution cost of a particular transaction across different chains in a Foundry setup.
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Shubham pfp
Based on the X discussion, the reason is to prioritize user interaction over composability. It's easier to know the yield from Rebasing tokens than calculating it using an exchange rate for yield tokens. ERC-4626 standard can make rebase tokens and yield tokens wrappable into each other but lacks wallet support.
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Shubham pfp
Why do some lending protocols prefer rebasing tokens (Compound, Aave) over accumulating tokens (Spark, Compound V2)? Rebasing lacks composability. You can't really use them across different protocols. So I wonder what drives them.
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Shubham pfp
That's how it begins πŸ˜†
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Shubham pfp
Can anyone help me deploying contracts on @zksync using foundry-zksync? I am seeing this error:
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Shubham pfp
Where did it go wrong?
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Shubham pfp
I love my MacBook but is very intimidating. Has anyone tried it here? How's the experience?
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Sablier pfp
Here's why @tokenops, a leading cap-table management tool, has integrated Sablier πŸ‘‡
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Shubham pfp
The internet remembers:
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Shubham pfp
The internet remembers:
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Shubham pfp
An new theory on how the name "Satoshi Nakamoto" might have been coined.
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Paul Razvan Berg pfp
Paul Razvan Berg
Anyone needs vesting for $DEGEN? Use - we provide you with an end-to-end solution for token distribution. β†’ 50k all-time users β†’ Hundreds of millions in TVL
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Sablier pfp
Quick reminder: we will be at ETH Bucharest next week! 🫑 Some of our galaxybrain engineers will participate in a panel at the conference, and we will also be offering a bounty at the hackathon preceding the event. PS: if you want to come but don't have a ticket, DM us.
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