Poll - Which excites you the most, about the future of dApps? (1) TRUSTLESSNESS - services always do what's expected, e.g. exchange can't FTX you. (2) PERMISSIONLESSNESS - e.g. anyone can be service provider. (3) UNCENSORABILITY - e.g. uncensorable twitter. (4) PRIVACY - e.g. ZK privacy stuff. (5) ART. (6) NONE.
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Sher Chaudhary
(2) seems like the underlying bedrock that enforces / encourages the rest
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As in simple decentralization, i.e. allowing anyone to run the service? Is that any different than the web2 world we've had for decades, where most anyone could create their own web app? (Had originally included "safely" at the end of that description, but had to chop it off for character count.)
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