Equalizer on Sonic Testnet Instructions: How to get testnet S: Visit the faucet available at public-sonic.fantom.network/account and click the Request Sonic button, sign the transaction and receive S. You can do this 5 times per day. ----- Stablecoins We deployed a fake stable coin to testnet, this is called testDOLLARS as can be claimed by sending some S on testnet to the token address, this is a 1:1000 return. 1S gives you 1000 testDOLLAR - address: 0xED1F80d2d5341b8e78164b50B3Aa9Cf4825398d5 ----- Wrapped Sonic We deployed our own wrapped S, which allows us to run a faucet where you can wrap S into WTS by sending some S to the WTS address, this is a 1:1 return - address: 0x591E027153ED4e536275984e1b7573367e11dac4 ----- Test $EQUAL TSEQUAL - address: 0x3d814a7eeD2c40269D220A8177754948e79ece0E ----- Test veEQUAL veTSEQUAL - address: 0x4fdd88E41b9F3e67aC874b698802D44C35487c6c Please use Degen mode & small amounts only as our integration partners are not live on the testnet.
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