Afzal Ansari
1. First Computer Bug: A moth stuck in Harvard Mark II (1947). 2. ENIAC's Weight: 27 tons, occupied an entire room. 3. First Webpage: (link unavailable) (1990). *Innovative Milestones* 1. IBM 5100: First portable computer (1975). 2. Apple I: Hand-built by Steve Wozniak (1976). 3. IBM PC: Revolutionized personal computing (1981). *Record-Breakers* 1. Fastest Supercomputer: Frontier (1 exaflop/s). 2. Smallest Computer: Michigan Micro Mote (0.33 mm³). 3. Longest-Running Computer: Voyager 1's Systems (44+ years). *Hidden Features* 1. Windows' "Blue Screen of Death" (BSoD) Origin. 2. Linux's Penguin Logo: Tux. 3. ASCII Art: Text-based images. *Unconventional Computers* 1. Quantum Computers: Processing with qubits. 2. Neuromorphic Chips: Inspired by human brains. 3. DNA Computing: Using biological molecules. *Legendary Computers* 1. Deep Blue: Beat chess champion Garry Kasparov (1997). 2. Watson: IBM's AI winner on Jeopardy! (2011). 3. AlphaGo: Defeated Go world champion (2016).
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