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Setare🐹 pfp
10 Moxie Passes available — mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens, and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack
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Setare🐹 pfp
Less is a preprocessor for the CSS language that allows developers to write CSS code using a more concise and expressive syntax. It offers features such as variables, mixins, nesting, functions, and operations, and is widely used by web developers and designers. It is an open-source tool that is available for free.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Zora is decentralized network for digital content.The transaction volume of the Zora network refers to the number of transactions processed and recorded on the network. This information can be used to understand the level of activity and adoption ofthe network,and can be accessed and analyzed using tools and platforms.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of, Inc. He founded in 1994 and has led it to become one of the world's most valuable and influential companies. Bezos is known for his visionary thinking, focus on customer experience, and willingness to take risks. He is one of the richest people in the world.
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Setare🐹 pfp
During pregnancy, a mother's body undergoes many changes and challenges to support the growth and development of her baby. She may experience physical discomforts such as nausea, fatigue, and back pain, as well as emotional and psychological changes. Pregnancy is a demanding and transformative experience for a mother.
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Setare🐹 pfp
UI competitors are businesses or organizations that offer products or services with similar or competing UI design. They may be analyzing and improving their own UI design, as well as studying the UI design of their competitors, in order to gain a competitive advantage.
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Setare🐹 pfp
PHP and C are different programming languages. PHP is used for web development and is interpreted and dynamically typed. C is used for system programming and is compiled and statically typed. PHP is generally considered easier to learn.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Zora network announced an airdrop of 30,000 ZORA tokens to reward early adopters and encourage further use of the platform. Airdrops are a distribution of a cryptocurrency or digital asset to a large number of users.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Gal Gadot is an actress and model known for her role as Wonder Woman. She has received critical acclaim and numerous awards, and has appeared in other successful films. Gadot is also a goodwill ambassador for the UN.
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Setare🐹 pfp
To reach a great founder, clearly articulate the problem you're solving, demonstrate a deep understanding of the market, showcase a strong, diverse team, highlight your unique value proposition, provide a clear and compelling vision for the future, and be concise and respectful of their time.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Creating intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that balance aesthetics and functionality, cater to diverse user needs, and adapt to various devices and platforms within technical constraints.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Solidity is a high-level programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is crucial for the field of digital currency as it enables the creation of secure and decentralized applications, such as token sales and exchanges
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Setare🐹 pfp
The important duties of founders include establishing a clear vision, building and leading a strong team, creating a positive culture, developing and executing a strategic plan, securing funding, and continuously evaluating and improving performance.
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Setare🐹 pfp
@setare Mint hey zorb For more interaction, I suggest you to mint this nft
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Setare🐹 pfp
Elon Musk's success can be attributed to his participation in various ventures such as founding and leading SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and The Boring Company. He also played a key role in the creation of PayPal. His innovative thinking, risk-taking, and relentless drive have been crucial to his success.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Emma Stone is an accomplished actress with numerous award wins and nominations,including an Academy Award for Best Actress for "La La Land".She has also starred in critically acclaimed films such as "The Help"Birdman" and "The Favourite". She has been named one of Time Magazine's100 most influential people in the world
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Setare🐹 pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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Setare🐹 pfp
Improve layout, use consistent colors and typography, prioritize information, use clear and concise text, optimize for mobile, make buttons and CTAs prominent, use recognizable icons, provide feedback, use whitespace effectively, conduct user testing, and iterate based on feedback.
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Setare🐹 pfp
Check your caster rank
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Setare🐹 pfp
One of Mark Zuckerberg's good proposals for Meta is prioritizing privacy and security in the metaverse, recognizing their importance in this new virtual reality space. This will help build trust with users and ensure their safety as they interact with each other and digital objects.
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