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Sean Bonner 🔥 pfp
Sean Bonner 🔥
ICYMI g l y p h by @punevyr on @base @fxhash is now the most minted generative project in ever, approaching 200k pieces now. I believe Friendship Bracelets at 40k and Heart+Craft at 30k are 2nd and 3rd place. Wish I could figure out how to post the animated versions.
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Sean Bonner 🔥 pfp
Sean Bonner 🔥
I’ve collected over 100 pieces myself now. Minting some, buying others on secondary market places. I know some people have been working on “sets” but I’ve just been picking up ones that jump out at me. Figuring out how to display and curate these will be quite the task.
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Laurent Houdard pfp
Laurent Houdard
previous most minted was Aux Arbres by zancan (76k)
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Yuko🎩 pfp
Amazing! How many of @zancan recent project were there?
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