Greg pfp
kind of sad when a large percentage of website visitors are just airdrop farmers
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Steve — f/arcon pfp
Steve — f/arcon
This could be a fun honey pot to build out: 1) Have a site that has a hidden field that only bots/airdrop farmers would alter. 2) Log their IP and provided address 3) Airdrop them a soul bound token Now you have a blacklist. IPs and ETH addresses are easy to shuffle but at least you can inconvenience them a bit.
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Bias 🫧🗿 f/arcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 f/arcon
Make sure the soul bound is a nude egg too, so it’s nsfw and ruins their jobs they have at the airdrop farms
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Greg pfp
How do you do step 1 though? If most (in my somewhat limited experience) farming is done manually, they would just skip over the triggers I had Google reCAPTCHA on a site recently and was deemed 99% safe traffic. I’m afraid some trap would have similar results. But very open to ideas if you have :)
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