Sandeep Tripathi  pfp

Sandeep Tripathi


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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
I think the fact that within the bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] is actually pretty cool. I am a big fan of Bitcoin. – Al Gore, 45th Vice President of the United States
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
I understand the political ramifications of [bitcoin] and I think that the government should stay out of them and they should be perfectly legal. – Ron Paul, Republican Texas Congressman and former candidate for US President
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
If [Bitcoin does] not [reach $500.000 by the end of 2020], I will eat my d*ck on national television. – John McAfee – founder McAfee antivirus
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
It’s gold for nerds. – Stephan Colbert, Comedian
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Cryptographical solutions might with great propriety be introduced into academies as the means of giving tone to the most important of the powers of the mind. – Edgar Allan Poe
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly. – Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Bitcoin may be the TCP/IP of money. – Paul Buchheit
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
EVERY informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments. – Leon Louw, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
[Bitcoin] is a very exciting development, it might lead to a world currency. I think over the next decade it will grow to become one of the most important ways to pay for things and transfer assets. – Kim Dotcom, CEO of MegaUpload
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Right now Bitcoin feels like the Internet before the browser. – Wences Casares
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, currency will be better for it. – Edmund Moy, 38th Director of the United States Mint
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.” – Nassim Taleb, Author and Risk Analyst
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives center, and that is why it is starting to take off. – Julian Assange
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
PayPal had these goals of creating a new currency. We failed at that, and we just created a new payment system. I think Bitcoin has succeeded on the level of a new currency, but the payment system is somewhat lacking. It’s very hard to use, and that’s the big challenge on the Bitcoin side. – Peter Thiel
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
[Bitcoin] is a remarkable cryptographic achievement… The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value…Lot’s of people will build businesses on top of that. – Eric Schmidt
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Well, I think it is working. There may be other currencies like it that may be even better. But in the meantime, there’s a big industry around Bitcoin— People have made fortunes off Bitcoin, some have lost money. It is volatile, but people make money off of volatility too. – Richard Branson
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Bitcoin is a technological tour de force. – Bill Gates
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry – Rick Falkvinge
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
As the value goes up, heads start to swivel and skeptics begin to soften. Starting a new currency is easy, anyone can do it. The trick is getting people to accept it because it is their use that gives the “money” value. – Adam B. Levine
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Sandeep Tripathi  pfp
Sandeep Tripathi
Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential. – Marc Kenigsberg
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