Kayvon pfp



348 Following

Kayvon pfp
The line from "Read Write Own" that stuck with me the most: "These are the good old days." — @cdixon.eth Despite the regulatory bullshit, we truly have greenfield space to innovate. I've worked at Google; I've built apps for the App Store. Crypto's the only context where I've felt unbounded opportunity.
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Kayvon pfp
159 bids. 3 hours to go. Simulacra marks a unique moment in time. Most don't see the potential in AI art. A small few do. Every bid is recorded onchain. All bidders receive a commemorative bidder's edition. History is being made. https://foundation.app/gallery/thisisforever/exhibition/737
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Kayvon pfp
134 bids placed in Simulacra 🪞 already. 🥵 https://foundation.app/gallery/thisisforever/exhibition/737
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Kayvon pfp
Simulacra 🪞 documents a very specific moment in time — where a small minority see the possibility of a new medium while the vast majority deride the art form as devoid of human craft. Simulacra 🪞 is now open for bidding. Be a part of history. https://foundation.app/gallery/thisisforever/exhibition/737
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Kayvon pfp
Some of the most valuable and historic work being created right now is using AI to push the boundaries of what we consider art. It's a fast, emerging frontier — making it difficult for collectors to separate signal from noise. Simulacra 🪞 is a curated exhibition that highlights the artists defining the medium.
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Kayvon pfp
Art can be created by speaking to a machine. Upset? Enthralled? We want to hear from you. Our operators are standing by toll free at 1-877-AI-SUCKS. https://foundation.app/mint/base/0xdA63C5a718d0511c2dD29e695b09b2179234fB70
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Kayvon pfp
Foundation was founded in 2020. We envisioned millions of people using crypto to make money being creative on the internet. Crypto was very hard to use in 2020 so the vision felt futuristic. In 2024, crypto is getting easier to use by the day. The vision is coming into focus.
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Kayvon pfp
What the hell is a hotline doing on our homepage? AI is sweeping through society. No corner will be left untouched. Enormous change lies ahead. There’s no more powerful medium for humanity to process change than through art. https://foundation.app/mint/base/0xdA63C5a718d0511c2dD29e695b09b2179234fB70
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Kayvon pfp
The world didn't believe in Impressionism. Van Gogh’s brushwork was too sloppy. Photography was purely mechanical. AI Art isn’t Art. You know it is. We know it is. Mint your presence on the right side of history. https://foundation.app/mint/base/0xdA63C5a718d0511c2dD29e695b09b2179234fB70
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Kayvon pfp
We're going back to our roots.
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Kayvon pfp
2 hours left to mint our GENESIS exhibition poster, commemorating our launch on @base. Own your piece of history. https://foundation.app/mint/base/0x6aA5ccCc54e4E9Ee635F935889A44d5b80c52c4b
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Kayvon pfp
Mood: bullish
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Kayvon pfp
VERTICES 1 by @kris10roos https://foundation.app/mint/base/0xb1F4F1A57d90CE08525Cf481F76e1129088aD0c5/1
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Kayvon pfp
New routine: Sunday ride to clear out the mind before the week.
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Kayvon pfp
GENESIS proved two points emphatically: ↪ Collectors will spend real money on art on L2 ↪ Bidding participation skyrockets on L2
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Kayvon pfp
@dappboi.eth is in his James Turrell era. Let him cook.
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Kayvon pfp
/foundation now features three powerful /frames for our community to leverage. Auction ↳ CTA: bid ↳ Live metadata: current bid / # of bids Edition ↳ CTA: mint ↳ Live metadata: # of mints Exhibition ↳ CTA: save ↳ Live metadata: # of saves All display artwork and other metadata beautifully. Enjoy!
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Kayvon pfp
GENESIS marks the next chapter in @foundation's evolution. Mint the poster to commemorate the moment. Minting is open through Friday. https://foundation.app/mint/base/0x6aA5ccCc54e4E9Ee635F935889A44d5b80c52c4b
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Kayvon pfp
Mint a piece of history. The GENESIS exhibition poster is now open for minting. https://foundation.app/mint/base/0x6aA5ccCc54e4E9Ee635F935889A44d5b80c52c4b
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Kayvon pfp
Final bid count for GENESIS: 375.
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