Ketan pfp
⚠️ Pavel Durov is being questioned in relation to an unnamed individual against whom the following charges have been brought: - Aiding in the administration of an online platform for conducting illegal transactions as part of an organized group; - Refusing to provide authorities with information or documents necessary for data interception; - Aiding in the possession of pornographic images of minors; - Aiding in the acquisition, transportation, storage, and sale of narcotics; - Aiding in the sale or provision of tools for unauthorized access to automated systems; - Aiding in organized fraud; - Participating in a criminal association for committing offenses punishable by 5 or more years of imprisonment; - Money laundering of proceeds derived from organized group crimes; - Providing and importing cryptographic services and tools without proper certification and prior notification. The detention period was extended until August 25 by the investigating judge and can last up to 96 hours, i.e., until August 28.
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