Sagar Dhawan pfp
Sagar Dhawan
Wdygt about the new API pricing model Reddit is introducing? I've been using Apollo for years. Rip Apollo
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tomato pfp
They're even doing it to open source apps like RedReader that don't generate any revenue. This is a blatant attempt to kill off all 3rd party apps and force everyone to use their crappy client that's overrun with ads.
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Will pfp
My twitter use dropped dramatically when they pulled the same thing, official client is so bad. Iโ€™m switching to Teddit from today and if thatโ€™s blocked Iโ€™ll probably just stop visiting entirely
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pugson pfp
will no longer use reddit if apollo goes down
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max ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’ pfp
max ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ’
WTF, if this kills Apollo Iโ€™m out
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