rysiman pfp
Privacy. Does it really exist in the way we want it and have a right to it? I don't think so. But... I see the potential of true privacy. And the name is Namada. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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rysiman pfp
Built by the Anoma foundation is a privacy-for-assets centric blockchain with ZK-proof tech. It's the new L1 with proof-of-stake consensus for interchain asset-agnostic privacy. 🔽 🔽 🔽
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rysiman pfp
Namada allows you to perform escrowed transfers for any type of asset regardless of the platform on which it was created, such as Ethereum or IBC-compliant chains. 🔽 🔽 🔽
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rysiman pfp
With Namada, you can transfer your assets from Ethereum or any IBC chain and send them privately with transaction latency of a few seconds and virtually zero fees. Waiting for mainnet and building together NAMADA Community See more details https://namada.net/blog/introducing-namada-interchain-asset-agnostic-privacy
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