Ryan Reef pfp

Ryan Reef


1034 Following

Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
Tiktok is doing things that are not good but all social media platforms should be held to the same standards. What do you think? Will the ban in Montana go through?
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
https://www.dior.science/en This is amazing. Hope this sparks much more interest from the public and other companies.
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
I’m going to London tomorrow. What are some of your favorite restaurants, cafes, bars or things to do there?
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
Current Ai tools can replace or threaten numerous job. Potentially we see a future where the majority of work can be done by Ai. Is any world leader prepare my for this?
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
https://www.twitch.tv/atheneaiheroes What are your thoughts on labeling Ai generated content? @dwr.eth
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
What’s been the best talk at ETHDenver so far? My votes goes to “AI’s need for decentralized compute” by Tom Trowbridge of Fluence Labs.
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
I highly recommend going to a Farcaster meet up. I’ve been to LA and Denver. Both were great. Met awesome people.
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
Meeting cool people in Denver. Say hi if you’re here! https://i.imgur.com/5Aatvqp.jpg
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
It’s my first time in ETH Denver. What are the best places to eat? Best Cafes?
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Ryan Reef pfp
Ryan Reef
Who are the best people to follow on Farcaster?
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