Jordan  pfp



79 Following

Jordan  pfp
There’s only one way to "go viral" with a cast: self-replicating quote casts. If you disagree, recast this and see how little it does for reach. If you agree, copy this cast and paste it into a quote cast.
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Jordan  pfp
who lives in Valencia?
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Jordan  pfp
How do protocols administer points programs? Are they using in-house tools, dedicated platforms, or some combination of the two?
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Jordan  pfp
So the lesson of Anna Karenina is… grow up, or else?
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Jordan  pfp
Bad cop (Twitter) good cop (Warpcast)
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Jordan  pfp
Who are the best writers (from a craft perspective) active in crypto / web3?
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Jordan  pfp
anyone who previously used airflow switch to dagster? why?
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Jordan  pfp
algorithmic feed personalization is unneeded in the vast majority of use-cases and is largely a psyop to mask a lack of relevant/actionable data
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Jordan  pfp
is the bridge supposed to update with ETA for claiming a withdrawal?
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Jordan  pfp
Very surprised that my Vercel confirmation email went to Spam?
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Jordan  pfp
success in crypto is in large part willingness to scam or resilience to being scammed
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Jordan  pfp
Some leaders are very good at motivating people to work. Other leaders are very good at defining and prioritizing which problem to work on. Very very few are good at both.
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Jordan  pfp
Graphql is the worst thing that’s happened to crypto
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Jordan  pfp
Are there any good resources for understanding how protocols track & store points? I’m particularly interested in the storage side.
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Jordan  pfp
emojis and tapback reactions are fascist
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Jordan  pfp
what is your favorite polemical article / blog post?
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Jordan  pfp
I'm starting a blog named Culturenomics to explore where political economy meets culture. ✍️ I just published my first article on how the Big Egg silently influences US policy and culture -- with government support. 🥚 Read here:
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Jordan  pfp
I used to read blogs, newsletters, and news every day. After listening to Bryan Kaplan's manifesto against reading the news, I realized most of my reading was useless and created a false perception of knowledge. I designed a new approach to reading and now feel happier and better informed.
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Jordan  pfp
Does anyone know if there's a way to pull casts from a specific channel?
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Jordan  pfp
Say there was an API that limited sources used by your GPT to some set of quality criteria — how would it be used?
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